Curriculum & Instruction

The Lynnfield Public Schools supports continuous curriculum development and instructional excellence with a shared vision for high quality outcomes and expectations and equity as evidenced by consistent student engagement, teacher efficacy, and higher order thinking through deliberate and focused instruction - LPS District Strategy.

The District Strategy (DS) is our Framework that drives teaching and learning. From here, we develop our School Improvement Plans (SIPs). Our educator goals and plans all align with the DS and SIPs.

Mass Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Educational Vision

"This vision is anchored in our commitment to high-quality teaching and learning in the Commonwealth. We will continue to work with districts, schools, and educators to promote teaching and learning that is antiracist, inclusive, multilingual, and multicultural; that values and affirms each and every student and their families; and that creates equitable opportunities and experiences for all students, particularly those who have been historically underserved." - DESE

Please see the DESE's updated vision (June 2023) below and adjacent to this post. We are pleased our district's vision is in direct alignment with this philosophy as we move forward post-pandemic.

DESE's Educational Vision


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District Curriculum Accommodation Plan

Please see our updated District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) below.


This plan outlines how the district will provide accommodations and support for students with diverse needs. The goal is to create an inclusive environment that allows every student to succeed.