Why is Lynnfield Public Schools Leading the Way?

Through our LPS Vision/District Strategy: Building a Path to Lifelong Success, educators are embracing a shared vision for high quality outcomes and expectations as evidenced by student agency, ongoing curriculum development and instructional excellence. Intentional application of the Understanding By Design Framework for teaching and learning has resulted in more meaningful, consistent teacher and student learning experiences.

2. Curriculum/Instructional Leadership

Our educators are using a Understanding by Design (UbD) approach to document and align curricula district-wide. LPS Transfer Skills best prepare our students for future success. Vertical teams are expanding to best support instruction and assessment practices.

3. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Using the CASEL Framework, our educators and students are developing a common language . Educators are measuring competencies using student surveys.

4. Community Engagement

In partnership with our town, A Healthy Lynnfield coalition empowers our students and residents to make positive choices every day. Together, we strive to educate both the school and larger community on a variety of public health issues.